Wednesday 27 February 2013

Riveted Panelled Wall

I have been doing a bit of an experiment this week making a test  panel to mimic a steel riveted panel for use on one of the sets.

Again I used split lentils glued with super glue for the rivet effect

The wall was sprayed with matt black with several mist coats of silver on top, I like the effect apart from it is a bit too shiny giving off a glare.


  1. hi steven, i think the backdrop looks great. i would agree with the shine though would rubbing some talc powder on take away a bit of shine?

    the robots are looking great.


  2. Thanks Mark for the idea, I'm going to do some more experimenting with spray paints first but if all else fails we use your I also do a lot of pottery/ceramics I have a lot of dry ingredients and talc is one of those so I’ve go about 20kg in a sack waiting in the wings so to speak.
